Holiday Homeowner FAQ

Frequently asked questions by homeowners
Do you allow owners to use a property management company to manage the property?

Yes. Some owners have their properties a long way from home, by the coast or even overseas. As such it is impossible for them to manage the property themselves so they have to engage the services of a property management company. Every single one of our 8000+ properties are verified as privately owned and their nominated property manager has to be directly responsible to the owner for the property. Also every single customer has to undertake a Know Your Customer ID check with a specialist compliance organisation. This is why we can provide free Payment Protection. We do not allow Channel Managers or third parties that are not directly designated by an owner to advertise on our site. So you will not see agencies or online travel agents (e.g. Sykes, VRBO, Airbnb, advertising on our site. The costs for an owners property management whether this is for cleaning, maintenance, banking/administration etc will be the ‘Owners Costs/Price’, please note Simply Owners do not add a penny to the Owners Price.

How do I know holidaymakers are going to see my property on your web-site?

Simply Owners use a variety of channels to acquire visitors to property listings, including paid advertising, search engine ranking optimisation and social media. Simply Owners is gaining increased brand recognition amongst holidaymakers as the best site to discover holiday accommodation around the world without having to pay extortionate fees.

Can I speak directly by phone or email with potential holidaymakers?

Any holidaymaker can request your details to speak with you directly. Holidaymakers can provide email addresses or phone numbers if you wish to contact them back. We consider you to be the best person to discuss matters with prospective holidaymakers.

When Do I Get Paid?

We do not interfere with payments between holidaymakers and homeowners. Holidaymakers book directly with you, so you receive deposits and balances when they are paid.

How Much Does It Cost To List My Holiday Home?

We charge an annual subscription of £298.80 and that’s it. No other costs for either holiday homeowners or holidaymakers.

What Are The Benefits Of The homeowner dealing directly with the holidaymaker?

You are in control of every aspect of the booking. Not only can you decide exactly how you run your holiday home, you can also provide a more personal service with your interactions with potential holidaymakers.

How do I list my holiday home?

Please get in touch and we can help, or if you'd like to learn more, visit Advertise with us.

Can I list multiple properties?

Yes, but we reserve the right to restrict the number of properties an owner has in a particular area in order to be fair to all our customers.

Do I need any special licences to advertise my property?

You don't need a special licence to advertise on Simply Owners, but you must ensure your holiday home is operated within the law of where it is situated. This may include licences to run a property as a holiday home.

How can I make amendments to my advert?

Each listing has a management console to edit and update all property details.

Can my guests book and pay online?

We do not currently operate an online booking platform. Holidaymakers must book directly with you, this may be your own online platform. We have done this because we want holidaymakers and home owners to benefit from direct bookings. No high fees for holidaymakers, and complete control for owners.

What if I want to sell my property?

We have supported many owners that have sold their property. Please view the dedicated section on our homeowner advice page.

How do I spot any fraudulent behaviour?

When you respond to holidaymakers, and take those enquiries to email, you must be aware of phishing attempts. Don't click links in emails from holidaymakers. Don't enter or share Simply Owners account details except on the login form on

What common phishing scams should I be aware of?

Simply Owners has numerous systems in place to mitigate and deter spammers and scammers.
Unfortunately a scammer can pose convincingly as a legitimate holidaymaker and then further down the line try to enact a scam. The main fraud homeowners need to be aware of is called "cheque overpayment fraud".

A renter submits a cheque for more than the required rental fee. They claim the over-payment was an accident and request a cheque to refund the difference. As requested, you write a cheque for the difference between the rental fee and the overpaid amount. The renter deposits your cheque, but their cheque bounces. If a renter sends a cheque for more than the rental amount, rip up the cheque and request that the renter sends a new one for the correct amount.